- Fiddlesticks
The joy of one place, one voice, one style, one method...
Lets face it the internet is a vast resource of great, good, ok and frankly, what the heck am I watching. You find a video you like, right title, and seems perfect.. and for a moment it is. But its just a snippet of what you need. Yet there are no more videos by this person... what do you do? you look for more, hoping for the same level... or you learn snippets that work, they get you through. Yet, you feel like something is missing. Things are hit and miss.. your makes can be perfect and then a total loss another.
Or your just starting out.. but where to start. Everyone says this one person is great.. but it doesn't work for you. You then think, ahhh... its because I'm watching videos. I need a class, I need someone to see what I'm doing, then they can tell me. Or I'm a visual learner... I need to see up close.
What ever your story is, I've most likely walked in your shoes. Being self taught, means I've felt your pain, trudging through books, videos and conversations to make sense of my mistakes and how to put things right. I will always be someone who feeds off learning new skills. I would like to think that the reason why I'm proud of my methods is because they are unique to my journey.
Learning from a course tutor or a craft mentor, is that one voice sounds much clearer than 10 hopeful cases teaching 10 different techniques.
I do like working face to face, which is where are craft & natters come in super handy as you have a touch point and base to come to if you need us to look over your work.
But if you want to enjoy the leisure of learning at your own pace, around you everyday life. Then our monthly subscriptions may be perfect. Beautiful content, all created to work withing a structured way of learning. Where we can work through all the variants that would be impossible in 6 hrs of teaching, spread through a group. Besides the info structure of learning that we will add to the group, we will be adding constant dialogue, and videos to enrich the group and the possibilities of how you can challenge your self as a beginner.