For over a year, I've been trying to adapt and work our workshops alongside our bricks and mortar shop. With so many changes, and a commercial world that has a event for almost every day, never seems to allow the fullest of time to get your ahead around planning your year. Day in, and day out I get asked when will our workshops start again.. and as I time goes on, I'm having to adapt and look how best I can give my time, quality of teaching and still feel like I can manage everything that we do at the front of house.
So i thought I would talk a little about the pros and cons of Live Online workshops vs Face to face teaching, and how each one differs from the free resources provided by social media platforms.
When we first opened back in 2019, with our first classes starting a month later. We managed multiple classes per week. We had morning groups and evening sessions. They were scary at first, but we learnt so much, made new friends, and worked out the kinks, adapting our teaching to each and every group. We had a process, but we weren't rigid to that process, and allowed each student to express their needs, to which we adapted and evolved with. Our mission was to work as fast as the slower less confident student, with the aim that we would all reach the same destination together.
Face to face classes are great for those who live locally or can drive short distances. What can be hard during face to face classes is time, and that the content that is spoken is lost when the class is finished. Time is spread thinner as each student needs a more hands on approach, due to the nature of not being able to see our hands work up close. In stead we give verbal directions and instructions as we describe the motions and visual ques of where they should be and what should be done.
Face to face, builds confidence and value. Some wish to escape their home and find a quiet space to work and learn. Which is great for many! This is why we have put 3 designated times & dates into place to help you ditch the chores and enjoy some me time with our craft & natter. Completely social, but with the change of getting needed support. We have a Tuesday 10am group, a Thursday 12.30 noon group, and a end of week Saturday at 2pm group. We do ask that you book your place, so we can set aside seats for you.
So let's side step the you tube learners, the tik tok stalkers and look at the real value behind learning from LIVE CLASSES.. allay the fears surrounding them and the benefits of joining our courses.
yOur online classes no different to youtube, instagram, pinterest or tik tok.. i can use them for free?
"why would I pay for something I can get for free?? "
Lets face it, we all jump on youtube, pinterest, tik tok & Instagram for inspo to get us motivated or to understand the stitch placement or control of the tools the maker uses. So it most definitely has its uses for helping guide and progress your skills. They way I look at these social resources is that they are tools. They are snippets to help guide.
They are very different to the LIVE online classes, learning materials and resources that we have created as a whole. Here are some key points...
Our course is carefully chaptered and designed so that your not getting snippets of how to create your make. You will fully understand and have a LIVE instructor who will answer your questions & support your learning step by step.
Your class is recorded, so you can hear and watch everything again and again never missing anything.
You have a birds eye view of our hands and work being made. You have verbal and visual instructions in one place.
You get to enjoy your class community in our secure groups, where you can share your makes, get updates and support from within your set class group.
With each course, we have developed our own teach materials to support you, with our illustrated book. Using multiple methods.
Our classes hold you accountable with set homework, to help you progress and reach your goals
Our classes our personal, and you also have somewhere to visit if you need help. You can use our designated craft & natters
No matter where you live you can join our classes..
No need to leave the house
pjs are welcome along with pets!
"I'm not tech savvy!! and I don't want be seen and speak on camera either ... !"
having fears about meeting new people or being online is normal...
Here are some things that can help & reassure you.
You don't have to speak or be on camera. There is a chat box where you can input and questions and we shall pick them up during or at the end of class.
If you prefer you can just watch the replay of the class till you feel comfortable enough to join.
Whatever your worried about come and talk to us and we will help understand you feelings.
Email us to let us know and we will ensure your feelings and needs are cared for.
on the plus side you don't have to travel from your home, staying safe and warm, and your in full control of when you want to be seen or heard.
the only screen that is fully visible is the pinned screened, which is our teaching area. There will be small thumbnails or a gallery of students, with or without there camera on. Audio is turned off for students so that we don't have any feedback.
We will ask questions, and you can raise your hand in order to pose your questions or thoughts. Again this is optional.
We're not saying once is better than the other. What we are saying is that they both have merits. While we have many craft workshop business in our are to support local areas, we feel that for our customers who travel.. that online would be a advantage to us. We can give uninterrupted time, which is relaxed, attentive and fun. It means we can split our time more effectively, and switch off from the grind of the shop. Our time is then solely yours, with no customers or staff outside of our class asking us questions, disrupting our teaching flow. Once we are locked down, we are locked down.
We've invested in our systems, equipment and software to ensure the best outcome.