WOW! Are we really heading into the Autumn months.. I have to say this is my fav season... I can't wait to get my twinkle lights & candles on. Which is way creating this blanket is my absolute fav.. with 3d textures, challenging stiches and textured finishes. I love to create items, that hold my interest. As I get bored easily. Way to easily, which is why I have so many WIP's in my basket.
I've created multiple chapters for you to work through, as this blanket starts its life as the 'Midnight Garden Blanket'.. except you have our alternative colour way up to chapter 4. After that you have 3 new chapters to keep you entertained.. with 3d pumpkins and mushrooms, with supporting videos.
a perfect pattern to challenge you as a beginner, and encourage you to progress in creating more challenging makes.
You don't have to be a expert.. you just need to know the basic stitches.. but don't worry we will walk you through each part each week.
stitches for week one
The stitches that will be used are..
A magic ring (MG) - alternatively you can use a chain of 4- 6 chains to start your circle. Ideally a magic ring so you can pull it in. But if your struggling, don't let it stop you. C
Granny Square cluster - ( 3TR, CH1 worked into one stitch space) these are worked on what I call the flat edges. 1 cluster per chain space, the a chain 1
Corner Granny Cluster - (3TR, CH2, 3TR, CH1) worked into the corners only.
Chain 3 - up (CH3 - UP) acts as a faux stitch, just so we can achieve the height of the stitches that we will work in this row.
Next chain space - (NX-SP) The space created by the chain, and working into the spaces made by them.
Half Trebles (HTR)
Treble Stitches (TR)
TIPS:- When cutting the tails of your wool, leave at least 4-5 inches of tail so that you can weave them in easily. They will be much easier to anchor into to your wool, create a much more solid make.
tip:- make sure you read through this weeks rows before you start. Some bits are quite repetitive as we're building the granny square. If you get stuck, comment below and we will work on helping and explaining where we need to.
week one - rows 1 - 13
ROW 1 - FOUNDATION ROW working in rustic pink
Start your blanket with a MG -
CH3 - UP, 2TR, *[CH2, 3TR] *Repeat this 3 times.
CH2, slip stitch into the 3rd chain of the chain 3 up you created in the beginning of this row. This completes row 1.
ROW 2 - cont'd foundation
Continuing in the same colour (RUSTIC PINK)
CH3 - UP, CH1,
work into the next chain (NX-SP) space. Work *[3TR, CH1] = this is your flat edge
in the nx-sp work [3TR, CH2, 3TR, CH1] = this is your corner cluster
*repeat - working one cluster on a edge, and two clusters in a corner. following the pattern from above where you see *.
ROW 3 change colour to CHAMPAGNE
Start in the corner, using a slip stitch to attach your wool.
Slip stitch into the corner. CH3- UP, 2TR, CH2, 3TR.
Work the remaining clusters per chain space on the edges, work corner clusters into your corners. Your edges / flats will grow with each row, and you should always have 4 corners if your making a square.
ROW 4 - change colour to BIRCH
repeat the rows above, growing your square in size.
ROW 5 - change colour to CHAMPAGNE
repeat the rows above, growing your square in size.
ROW 6 - change colour to RUSTIC PINK
repeat the rows above, growing your square in size.
ROW 7 - change colour to FOX
repeat the rows above, growing your square in size.
ROW 8 & 9 - change colour to MAUVE
repeat the rows above, growing your square in size.
ROW 10 - change colour to CHAMPAGNE
repeat the rows above, growing your square in size.
*At the end of your granny squares you should have a total of 10 clusters on each side.
We've completed the granny square section.. so we can now start building towards the more challenging parts.
ROW 11 - change colour to CHAMPAGNE
We are now going to be changing our stitches to create a closed row using HTR, half trebles.
start in the corner, it makes for a much neater start and finish. Easy to hide joins in the corner too..
CH2, 1HTR,CH2, 2HTR (first corner started)
Work a HTR into every stitch & chain space till your meet the corner.
*[2HTR, CH2, 2HTR, work HTR into every stitch till next corner] * repeat 3 times till all sides and corners are completed.
Finish your row with a slip stitch into the last stitch head.
row 12
Using the same colour, Birch. Work up from where you have finished.
CH3, Work TR stitch into the next stitches till you arrive at the corner space.
*[2TR, CH2, 2TR, work all stitches with a TR into them, until you get to the next corner] *repeat on every side till all rows are completed.
Finish with a slip stitch into the stitch head of your last stitch.
make sure your finish your rows and they are fully secure. Make sure you leave long enough tails so they can be sewn in with ease and can be weaved in securely.
Next chapter you will be working rows 13 - 18
You will be learning the following stitches and stitch placement will be more challenging this week.
v stitch
puff stitches
front post stitches
Are there any videos for the first bit I'm not sure if I've put too many stitches for row 12 I think it is and just wanted to check the stitch count and that I'm doing it right xx
I'm really looking forward to starting this massive blanket as the colours are so beautiful 😍