Hi my lovelies!
I just wanted to update you about the following chapters... and the current situation.
Sooo! Don't worry there is no need to panic they will be happening. I've just put everything on hold till Christmas. The reason being is because after a wonderful holiday, and feeling very rested. I was able to evaluate my stress and well being. I decided I needed to space things out... and stop a potential burnout that I could feel creeping in.

Before holiday I had a plan, and the plan was that everything would be completed before I left. That was my hope! But unfortunately there aren't enough physical hours for me to do what I felt I could achieve. So I decided that we had till chapter 6, and that you would all be able to Catch up and wait for the next upload.
However, since my reflection and coming home! It's been non stop. With a cold, running the business and then getting ready for parties, events you name it!
So I've decided that I will be uploading the next chapters throughout the Christmas break! I hope you all understand, as I just can't get close to my computer to finish my editing.

We also have more exciting plans in play, as we develop and adapt our business further. Which again is always being worked on.
I guess what I really wanted to do, is let you know where we are. That I haven't forgotten you, and yes you will have a completed pattern. As this blanket is my most treasured make! That is why I want you to have the love that this blanket gives me. Its soo heavy and such a comfort. It wraps up my little grandson Riley and we have the best cuddles.
I also want to say thank you for your patience!
I also have 3 kits. Still available.. if you would like this gift boxed for anyone please let me know xx
☃️ 💋💋💋☃️